How to Write a Motivation Letter

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How to Write a Motivation Letter. The motivation letter is an important document that can help you land your dream job or internship. It’s your moment to shine and express your distinction through qualifications, and enthusiasm for the opportunity. Given that this one document is the focus of so much, it’s not surprising we all get a little fazed.

Fear not, fellow job seekers! We’ve put together this blog entry to help you write a motivation letter that will stand out and make an impression. We’ll get you familiar with everything from structure and content to style and tone, so that when it comes time for writing the letter, all you have to do is yell. Hire me!

1. Know Your Audience

Prior to ink meeting paper (or fingers finding keyboard), it’s a good idea to find out something about the organization or program that one is applying for. Know their mission, ideals and the position you seek. This insight will help you write your letter for them and show that you care about what they do.

2. Craft a Compelling Introduction

Begin by grabbing your reader, starting with a strong opening sentence. Introduce yourself in a few sentences and mention what position or program you are applying for. Let your personality shine through, but remember to keep it professional and on topic.

3. Tell Your Story

Your letter’s body is your strong suit. Rather than simply providing a list of qualifications, create an engaging story about your skills and accomplishments. Give concrete examples to explain what you mean and show how your experience fits the opportunity. But quantify your accomplishments whenever possible to make a bigger splash.

4. Passion Makes Perfect

Display your interest in the role or program! You should convey your real interest, and tell them why this is the ideal opportunity for you. This is where your research comes in to play–Specify certain projects or this company’s advancement that you might be interested and how it would strengthen the firm.

5. Conclude with Confidence

Conclude your letter with a clear appeal. Express your appreciation to the reader for his time and concern, reinforcing that you are interested in taking advantage of an opportunity. Ask them to call you or write for an interview, and offer any other help that might be required.

I hope this overview is helpful! Leave a comment below if you have any other questions about How to Write a Motivation Letter.

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