Category: Education Resources

Creative Ways To Organize And Review Your Notes

Creative Ways To Organize And Review Your Notes. Traditional note-taking really can be as exciting as watching paint dry. However, knowledge seekers need not despair just yet. If you add a bit...


A COMPREHENSIVE GUIDE TO CREATING AN IMPRESSIVE CV. In today's competitive job market, you can not stand out with just a good resume. You need a CV that cries out Take me!...

Different Note-taking Methods

Different Note-taking Methods And How To Choose The Best One for You. Have you ever felt that your notes are nothing but a jumble of scribbles and will eventually land up in...

How to Write a Motivation Letter

How to Write a Motivation Letter. The motivation letter is an important document that can help you land your dream job or internship. It's your moment to shine and express your distinction...

Tools And Apps To Help You Manage Your Time Effectively

Tools And Apps To Help You Manage Your Time Effectively. Studies are juggling work, errands, and social life before the curtain closes on your head. One dropped ball could make you lose...

How To Create A Study Schedule That Works For You

How To Create A Study Schedule That Works For You. The dreaded study schedule. Just even speaking about it brings visions of boundless textbooks and sleepless nights. Don't despair, fellow students of...
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